Nanoki Blog

Why We Love Ceremonies

On our journey towards self-discovery and a truly meaningful and fulfilling life, where we merge with our purpose, we have deeply experienced that there are many techniques and healing methods, all of which have their validity. However, what works the fastest, most effectively, and most sustainably is elevating our frequency. This allows us to shed old patterns and wounds like an old coat and transition to a higher vibrational level where the old wounds and patterns can no longer reach us as they exist in a different frequency range.

To elevate our vibration, we can meditate, use affirmations, and align our thoughts towards the purely constructive. Gratitude also plays a crucial role in our lives, and we warmly recommend this to our clients, providing guidance when needed. This requires time and dedication.

Yet, what we've found to work almost miraculously are ceremonies conducted in a group. Here, incredibly powerful energies are at play, and we connect - with Mother Earth, the Great Spirit, and our higher selves. This connection enables us to raise our vibration. While we can achieve this through other techniques, such as meditation, ceremonies allow us to have profound experiences that would take many months of meditation to reach. This is why we value ceremonies so much and look forward to conducting them together with you.