Energy Reading

Welcome to Nanoki's Energy Reading Experience, where ancient knowledge meets modern approaches. Our unique approach combines shamanic oracle cards, a proprietary reading technique, and the magic of runes to illuminate your path and energize your journey.

In our energy readings, we don't claim to predict your future; instead, we offer a profound exploration of your energies. Our focus is on helping you identify what needs to be released. By recognizing your blind spots, you empower yourself, finding the way to a brighter and more fulfilling life. We assist you in taking significant steps toward your goals, provided you are willing to let go of the negative energies that may be holding you back.

Let us guide you with a card reading for the year 2024 and discover what essential insights you need to steer your life in a positive direction. Our Yearly Reading for 2024 includes the card reading, a rune to guide you, and a 30-minute Zoom call to address all your inquiries – all for 600 DKK.